Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Bzzz Honey

Bzzz Honey

Designed by Backbone Studio | Country: Armenia

“The most tasty honey is in the beehive. But it is impossible to buy it in a market –  it was impossible. Designers of Backbone Studio have made it out of wood and hid the can with honey into the improvised beehive.  Simple but simultaneously original wooden wrapper is the message to the nature, ecology and pure taste. You immediately want to open and taste it. And there are no bees!”

Bzzz Honey

Bzzz Honey

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Bzzz Honey


Bzzz Honey

Designed by Backbone Studio | Country: Armenia

“The most tasty honey is in the beehive. But it is impossible to buy it in a market –  it was impossible. Designers of Backbone Studio have made it out of wood and hid the can with honey into the improvised beehive.  Simple but simultaneously original wooden wrapper is the message to the nature, ecology and pure taste. You immediately want to open and taste it. And there are no bees!”

Bzzz Honey

Bzzz Honey

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