Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Dada Wine


Designed by Inhouse Design | Country: New Zealand | Buy it

“The Dada movement was a huge source of inspiration to the design of this top end boutique wine package. Typographically we settled on Braggadocio, a strange hybrid with characteristics of both sans serif and modern faces; and it belongs very much to its time. Like high society in the 1920’s, it should not be taken too seriously. But don’t be fooled – this juice is the real deal!”




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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Dada Wine



Designed by Inhouse Design | Country: New Zealand | Buy it

“The Dada movement was a huge source of inspiration to the design of this top end boutique wine package. Typographically we settled on Braggadocio, a strange hybrid with characteristics of both sans serif and modern faces; and it belongs very much to its time. Like high society in the 1920’s, it should not be taken too seriously. But don’t be fooled – this juice is the real deal!”




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