Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Splitting Adam

Splitting Adam_CD_19x25.indd

Designed by Rethink | Country: Canada | Font: Gotham

CD packaging for the band “Splitting Adam”. The concept surrounds a fictitious character named Adam and his internal struggle with an audio triggered bipolar disorder. The cover splits Adam to reveal inside his head, a 3D animated hologram which morphs from a passive lamb into an agressive ape. The CD and insert artwork documents Adam’s mental state along with vital statistics and final prognosis.

The photo of Adam was created using a combination of all 5 band members photos. Each band member needed to be photographed in rotation which was used as the basis to create the smooth animated sequence. The packaging dieline was developed custom for this project and the hologram manufactured in Russia.

Splitting Adam_CD_19x25.indd






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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Splitting Adam

Splitting Adam_CD_19x25.indd

Splitting Adam_CD_19x25.indd

Designed by Rethink | Country: Canada | Font: Gotham

CD packaging for the band “Splitting Adam”. The concept surrounds a fictitious character named Adam and his internal struggle with an audio triggered bipolar disorder. The cover splits Adam to reveal inside his head, a 3D animated hologram which morphs from a passive lamb into an agressive ape. The CD and insert artwork documents Adam’s mental state along with vital statistics and final prognosis.

The photo of Adam was created using a combination of all 5 band members photos. Each band member needed to be photographed in rotation which was used as the basis to create the smooth animated sequence. The packaging dieline was developed custom for this project and the hologram manufactured in Russia.

Splitting Adam_CD_19x25.indd






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