Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Caleb Heisey

Student Work - Caleb Heisey

Designed by Caleb Heisey | Country: United States

“Folksaga is a Swedish dis­tillery of akvavit, a tra­di­tional scan­di­na­vian liquor fla­vored with ingre­di­ents such as car­away, anise, or gin­ger. The con­cept behind the project was to broaden akvavit’s appeal to an American mar­ket while main­tain­ing its rich, nordic roots. Each bot­tle fea­tures a pop­u­lar folk tale from Sweden. Ranging from murky mer­maids to ter­ri­ble trolls, these mytho­log­i­cal char­ac­ters are always up to no good — prey­ing upon trav­el­ers lost in the wild. The project was art directed by Paul Kepple of Headcase Design.”

Student Work - Caleb Heisey

Student Work - Caleb Heisey

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Caleb Heisey


Student Work - Caleb Heisey

Designed by Caleb Heisey | Country: United States

“Folksaga is a Swedish dis­tillery of akvavit, a tra­di­tional scan­di­na­vian liquor fla­vored with ingre­di­ents such as car­away, anise, or gin­ger. The con­cept behind the project was to broaden akvavit’s appeal to an American mar­ket while main­tain­ing its rich, nordic roots. Each bot­tle fea­tures a pop­u­lar folk tale from Sweden. Ranging from murky mer­maids to ter­ri­ble trolls, these mytho­log­i­cal char­ac­ters are always up to no good — prey­ing upon trav­el­ers lost in the wild. The project was art directed by Paul Kepple of Headcase Design.”

Student Work - Caleb Heisey

Student Work - Caleb Heisey

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