Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

8th Continent Soymilk

8th Continent Soymilk

Designed by BBDO West | Illustration: Ben Javens | Country: United States

“8th Continent is a family-owned dairy in California that sources its beans domestically and makes it’s milk in small batches. There are other flavours available, each one represented by a colour variation. If you’re based in America and of school age then head over to 8th Continent for your chance to have your work featured on a carton and your school could receive $1000 for its arts dept.”

8th Continent Soymilk

8th Continent Soymilk

8th Continent Soymilk

Via Brand New

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

8th Continent Soymilk


8th Continent Soymilk

Designed by BBDO West | Illustration: Ben Javens | Country: United States

“8th Continent is a family-owned dairy in California that sources its beans domestically and makes it’s milk in small batches. There are other flavours available, each one represented by a colour variation. If you’re based in America and of school age then head over to 8th Continent for your chance to have your work featured on a carton and your school could receive $1000 for its arts dept.”

8th Continent Soymilk

8th Continent Soymilk

8th Continent Soymilk

Via Brand New

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