Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Nick McLean

Student Work - Nick McLean

Designed by Nick McLean | Country: Canada

“MIG Boaka is a Russian Vodka brand that comes in three variations identified by the stripes on the front label. The line is inspired by the series of Soviet fighter jets used during the cold war. The labels are modeled after the rank badges worn by military officers.

As such the number of stripes represents the alcohol by volume of that particular bottle. MARK I containing the lowest, graduating to the highest in MARK III, a drink only for the real officers at the party.”

Student Work - Nick McLean

Student Work - Nick McLean

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Student Work – Nick McLean


Student Work - Nick McLean

Designed by Nick McLean | Country: Canada

“MIG Boaka is a Russian Vodka brand that comes in three variations identified by the stripes on the front label. The line is inspired by the series of Soviet fighter jets used during the cold war. The labels are modeled after the rank badges worn by military officers.

As such the number of stripes represents the alcohol by volume of that particular bottle. MARK I containing the lowest, graduating to the highest in MARK III, a drink only for the real officers at the party.”

Student Work - Nick McLean

Student Work - Nick McLean

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