Designed by Marbles: Brain Workshop | Country: United States
“At Marbles: The Brain Store, we believe there’s an almost innate sense of satisfaction that comes from setting up dominoes into elaborate design, then knocking them down and listening to their gentle click-clack sound. And that’s all fine and dandy, don’t misunderstand. But where’s the color? Where’s the whimsy? Where’s the ability to create striking images based on design cards or random ideas you have floating around in your noggin They’re all right here in Colorfall!
Our product itself was designed by Chrissy Quinlan and Brad Hoffman, after winning a product design contest held at their university. The box was a collaboration of much hard work on behalf of the Marbles: Brain Workshop team (a division of Marbles: The Brain Store). There were many changes and shapes before the box could become something mass produceable, but the whole time we aimed high to create a box that reflected the fun inside: bright colors, just enough cheeky quotes, and lots of knocking down of tiles!”