Designed by: Invade Design | Country: Colombia
The journey of Alacrán de Sopetrán Hot Sauce began when people got into quarantine mode during the Covid-induced pandemic. One of the studio members decided to move to his farm during the pandemic with his family, where the idea for the hot sauce came up.
“A few years ago, one of our studio members decided to move to his farm accompanied by his family to spend the Covid-19 quarantine. Between intense days of video calls, leisure moments and casual kitchen encounters, the idea of making a hot sauce using the great harvest of habanero peppers that were available at the time emerged.
Quickly, the produced amount of sauce increased and therefore, the per capita consumption capacity was off limits (within the family, of course). At that time, we decided to create an instagram account under the user Alacrán de Sopetrán with the only purpose of announcing to our closest friends that there was a sauce to give away.”
The packaging
When a graphic agency launches its products, it is obviously going to be something else. The branding agency used the product launch as an opportunity to break the set “rules” of graphic design to create packaging illustrations that flow with creativity.
“Today, we have a brand with a much more consolidated identity, built from a large number of pieces, including: the Sopetrán Sans typeface, inspired by the advertisements of Colombian little towns and created with the help of Bastarda Type; labels and packaging; merchandise items; a casual tone of voice based on colloquial language; photographs, illustrations and social media posts that allude to popular expressions and insights of our daily life and lastly, a web page to redeem the discount code that you will find at the end (we only ship nationally, sorry!)”