Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Bauhaus Brew Labs


Designed by Helms Workshop | Country: United States

“Bauhaus Brew Labs channels its namesake’s spirit of creativity, experimentation and playfulness in crafting a flavorful, imaginative and unique craft beer experience for its customers. Our approach was to follow their example in creating the brewery’s identity, with an eye on differentiating the brand in the marketplace and creating a disruptive presence on the retail shelf. The bright, primary brand palette is unconventional for the craft beverage shelf, and the quirky beer names were created by translating more traditional naming into German, and then back to English.”

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Bauhaus Brew Labs



Designed by Helms Workshop | Country: United States

“Bauhaus Brew Labs channels its namesake’s spirit of creativity, experimentation and playfulness in crafting a flavorful, imaginative and unique craft beer experience for its customers. Our approach was to follow their example in creating the brewery’s identity, with an eye on differentiating the brand in the marketplace and creating a disruptive presence on the retail shelf. The bright, primary brand palette is unconventional for the craft beverage shelf, and the quirky beer names were created by translating more traditional naming into German, and then back to English.”

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lovely package bauhaus brew labs 5 copy

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