Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Blacktail Brewery


Designed by Glenn Chan | Country: Singapore

“Blacktail Brewery is a concept project for a small microbrewery based in Dillon, Montana. The owners had purchased an old bowling alley as a place to start their business, and needed an identity and packaging that differentiated themselves from the rest of the other microbrews.
A bowling bowl and pins hints to the microbrews’ roots, while a bespoke blackletter logotype helps them stand out from other beers. The pastel color palette also works well in contrast to the hard-edged blackletter logotype.”

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Blacktail Brewery



Designed by Glenn Chan | Country: Singapore

“Blacktail Brewery is a concept project for a small microbrewery based in Dillon, Montana. The owners had purchased an old bowling alley as a place to start their business, and needed an identity and packaging that differentiated themselves from the rest of the other microbrews.
A bowling bowl and pins hints to the microbrews’ roots, while a bespoke blackletter logotype helps them stand out from other beers. The pastel color palette also works well in contrast to the hard-edged blackletter logotype.”

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