Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Dom Diogo Oilve Oil


Designed by Base & Michael Young | Country: United States

“Base, an award-winning international design firm, introduces a luxurious new matte black design to celebrate the launch of Herdeiros Passanha’s premier olive oil, Dom Diogo.

The design of the packaging is a further iteration of Base’s collaboration with Hong Kong-based designer, Michael Young, on the AIGA award-winning bottles for Passanha’s popular Quinta de São Vicente Olive Oil. The bottle silhouette represents an olive press divided into upper and lower parts by a horizontal ridge and featuring the signature drop that makes up the brand’s graphic identity. The matte black coating is complemented by a contemporary stencil typeface, a reference to the handmade tradition of the Portuguese olive oil.

Passanha’s black label Azeite Virgem Extra / Extraído a frio (or Extra Virgin Olive Oil / Cold Extract) is the latest to come from the celebrated makers of gourmet olive oil and vinegar, Herdeiros Passanha, a family-owed company located just south of Lisbon. As a tribute of respect to their grandfather, Passanha named their top-range olive oil Dom Diogo after the adventurous forefather they remember as being “respectful of tradition and yet looking for modernity,” a perfect fit for an oil produced from
three varieties of olives—cobrançosa, arbequina and picual—to create an intense fruity taste and pleasing aroma. The sophisticated packaging concept for Dom Diogo is in keeping with the blend’s prestige as the gold-medal winner at the second Bienal do Azeite held in Castelo Branco, Portugal.”

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Dom Diogo Oilve Oil



Designed by Base & Michael Young | Country: United States

“Base, an award-winning international design firm, introduces a luxurious new matte black design to celebrate the launch of Herdeiros Passanha’s premier olive oil, Dom Diogo.

The design of the packaging is a further iteration of Base’s collaboration with Hong Kong-based designer, Michael Young, on the AIGA award-winning bottles for Passanha’s popular Quinta de São Vicente Olive Oil. The bottle silhouette represents an olive press divided into upper and lower parts by a horizontal ridge and featuring the signature drop that makes up the brand’s graphic identity. The matte black coating is complemented by a contemporary stencil typeface, a reference to the handmade tradition of the Portuguese olive oil.

Passanha’s black label Azeite Virgem Extra / Extraído a frio (or Extra Virgin Olive Oil / Cold Extract) is the latest to come from the celebrated makers of gourmet olive oil and vinegar, Herdeiros Passanha, a family-owed company located just south of Lisbon. As a tribute of respect to their grandfather, Passanha named their top-range olive oil Dom Diogo after the adventurous forefather they remember as being “respectful of tradition and yet looking for modernity,” a perfect fit for an oil produced from
three varieties of olives—cobrançosa, arbequina and picual—to create an intense fruity taste and pleasing aroma. The sophisticated packaging concept for Dom Diogo is in keeping with the blend’s prestige as the gold-medal winner at the second Bienal do Azeite held in Castelo Branco, Portugal.”

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