Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

He Said She Said Wine


Designed by Manifesto Design | Country: Australia

“Communication between the sexes has long been hazardous. He says “wrong way down”, she says “right way up” and before you know it things have gone all topsy-turvy. Frustrating at times, yet never dull, it’s best discussed over a good bottle of wine!

‘He Said She Said’ is the fun and quirky entry level wine range for The Lake House Denmark in Western Australia. The naming and label is designed to inspire conversation and spark a healthy debate at the dinner table.”

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

He Said She Said Wine



Designed by Manifesto Design | Country: Australia

“Communication between the sexes has long been hazardous. He says “wrong way down”, she says “right way up” and before you know it things have gone all topsy-turvy. Frustrating at times, yet never dull, it’s best discussed over a good bottle of wine!

‘He Said She Said’ is the fun and quirky entry level wine range for The Lake House Denmark in Western Australia. The naming and label is designed to inspire conversation and spark a healthy debate at the dinner table.”

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