Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Honey Moon



Designed by Lauren Golembiewski | Country: United States

“Honey Moon is a promotional wine bottle that would be sent out for the first day of summer. The concept is based on the the first full moon in June, which occurs near the first day of summer. It is seen as the most optimal time to harvest honey and thus, called the honey moon. The bottle would be sent to new clients, as we start our honeymoon for our sweet new business relationship. I also developed the typeface that was used for the logo.”




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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Honey Moon



Designed by Lauren Golembiewski | Country: United States

“Honey Moon is a promotional wine bottle that would be sent out for the first day of summer. The concept is based on the the first full moon in June, which occurs near the first day of summer. It is seen as the most optimal time to harvest honey and thus, called the honey moon. The bottle would be sent to new clients, as we start our honeymoon for our sweet new business relationship. I also developed the typeface that was used for the logo.”




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