Search Results for: Jelev

Designed by Jordan Jelev | Country: Bulgaria

Designed by Jordan Jelev | Country: Bulgaria “The Stallion Wine of Angelus Estate is positioned in exclusive super-premium class – an amazing wine that can impress

Designed by Jordan Jelev | Country: Bulgaria “This is another project for Raynoff and Sons Winery. Since it is a bio-product under ‘Natura’ brand, I decided

Designed by Jordan Jelev | Country: Bulgaria The client wanted to use a simple labelform and some sort of typographic pattern as a background image. I

Designed by Jordan Jelev | Country: Bulgaria | Font: Bodoni Poster “The +359 brand name comes from the international phone code of Bulgaria which is +359.

Designed by Jordan Jelev | Country: Bulgaria “Rousse Reserve wanted to look like classic vintage label. I have made custom calligraphy for the brandname and used

Designed by Jordan Jelev | Country: Bulgaria “All In One wanted to look absolutely modern and stylish. I have used lots of lines and basic geometry

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