Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

INQ Mobile



Designed by INQ Mobile | Country: United Kingdom

“Communication is at the heart of everything we do. We express this in our brand through one of its most striking and creative aspects: art. Not in any lofty way, but in vibrant and streetwise forms: illustration, comics, film – whatever we like really, whatever catches our eye.

With the INQ1 box we wanted to create an object of beauty – something to cherish not chuck. All too often, packaging ends up in landfills, or recycling bins at best. While we’d like people to keep it, use it and treasure it.

When we design our handsets we remix and edit internet services so that they play best on a mobile. Similarly, our in-house creative studio, Elmer Zinkhann and Ashley Benigno, remixed the idea of a box and made it into a place to display artwork.”







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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

INQ Mobile



Designed by INQ Mobile | Country: United Kingdom

“Communication is at the heart of everything we do. We express this in our brand through one of its most striking and creative aspects: art. Not in any lofty way, but in vibrant and streetwise forms: illustration, comics, film – whatever we like really, whatever catches our eye.

With the INQ1 box we wanted to create an object of beauty – something to cherish not chuck. All too often, packaging ends up in landfills, or recycling bins at best. While we’d like people to keep it, use it and treasure it.

When we design our handsets we remix and edit internet services so that they play best on a mobile. Similarly, our in-house creative studio, Elmer Zinkhann and Ashley Benigno, remixed the idea of a box and made it into a place to display artwork.”







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