Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Whiskey


Designed by Studio MPLS | Country: United States

“Studio MPLS was commissioned by Jack Daniel’s to strategically redesign their premium “Single Barrel” product line. The goal of the assignment was to more effectively communicate the handcrafted, meticulous process behind their Single Barrel whiskies and to create a design system that anticipates and allows for future product innovations from America’s oldest registered distillery.

The entire packaging experience was modernized through thoughtful typography and iconography, innovative materiality and production techniques, and a balanced reintroduction of historical design elements.

Once the final brand and packaging elements were completed, the new design system was implemented to a variety of Single Barrel product extensions including gift and shipper boxes, limited-edition and seasonal varieties, on-site distillery merchandise, and more.”

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Whiskey



Designed by Studio MPLS | Country: United States

“Studio MPLS was commissioned by Jack Daniel’s to strategically redesign their premium “Single Barrel” product line. The goal of the assignment was to more effectively communicate the handcrafted, meticulous process behind their Single Barrel whiskies and to create a design system that anticipates and allows for future product innovations from America’s oldest registered distillery.

The entire packaging experience was modernized through thoughtful typography and iconography, innovative materiality and production techniques, and a balanced reintroduction of historical design elements.

Once the final brand and packaging elements were completed, the new design system was implemented to a variety of Single Barrel product extensions including gift and shipper boxes, limited-edition and seasonal varieties, on-site distillery merchandise, and more.”

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