Designed by Dizen | Country: Argentina
“Olibò is a premium olive oil from Mendoza. The name comes from the Catalán Oli = Olive, and Bò = Good. We designed an elegant and stylish label in which appears a ‘leaf/drop’ of olive.”
Designed by Dizen | Country: Argentina
“Olibò is a premium olive oil from Mendoza. The name comes from the Catalán Oli = Olive, and Bò = Good. We designed an elegant and stylish label in which appears a ‘leaf/drop’ of olive.”
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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States
Designed by Dizen | Country: Argentina
“Olibò is a premium olive oil from Mendoza. The name comes from the Catalán Oli = Olive, and Bò = Good. We designed an elegant and stylish label in which appears a ‘leaf/drop’ of olive.”