Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Pure Persian Honey


When we look closely at honey packaging, they are almost all in the usual format, and the ultimate in creativity is that the label is well designed for the honeycomb and has always been hand-crafted by professional designers, who are forced to put it on one formThey usually show their creativity.

In this form I have tried because Persian Honey apiaries are situated in clean, uncontaminated regions, far from urban and industrial influences.

I go far beyond the usual templates and come up with a special form that, with the simple writing on the package, gives a special visual look to this honey packaging

The packaging design of Persian Honey honey embraces nature and is a testament to their commitment to natural processes.


Agency: Taha fakouri

Agency URL:

Instagram: taha_fakouri

Brand: Pure Persian Honey

Country: Iran

Work Category: Concept Work

Designer: Taha Fakouri

Taha fakouri

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Pure Persian Honey


When we look closely at honey packaging, they are almost all in the usual format, and the ultimate in creativity is that the label is well designed for the honeycomb and has always been hand-crafted by professional designers, who are forced to put it on one formThey usually show their creativity.

In this form I have tried because Persian Honey apiaries are situated in clean, uncontaminated regions, far from urban and industrial influences.

I go far beyond the usual templates and come up with a special form that, with the simple writing on the package, gives a special visual look to this honey packaging

The packaging design of Persian Honey honey embraces nature and is a testament to their commitment to natural processes.


Agency: Taha fakouri

Agency URL:

Instagram: taha_fakouri

Brand: Pure Persian Honey

Country: Iran

Work Category: Concept Work

Designer: Taha Fakouri

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