Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Spice Works Holiday Gift Boxes

Spice Works Holiday Gift Boxes

Designed by Studio Bup | Country: Canada

“We were commissioned with the task of creating a limited run of holiday gift boxes for Spice Works, a local company we’ve previously worked with. In order to give these already limited-edition packages a little something extra, we developed a production method which allows us to create one-off package designs while retaining the cost and time-effectiveness of medium-run production processes. Customers are encouraged to pick their favourite pattern in order to further enhance the spirit of gift-giving by including them in the final design decisions. We feel that this is a innovative idea in packaging design because even “exclusive” or “limited editions” are never truly unique. Multiple boxes can be purchased for gift-giving without the common “me-too” feeling recipients often get. The various patterns were created with a grid system in order to make the overall product line cohesive. In order to reinforce the idea that the box is not just a package, but a keepsake, the Spice Works logo is subtly located on the reverse of the lid.

Each box is hand-crafted in Baltic birch and contains mini-mold WECK jars filled with Spice Work’s Artichoke Dip Mix and Mango Curry Dip Mix.”


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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Spice Works Holiday Gift Boxes


Spice Works Holiday Gift Boxes

Designed by Studio Bup | Country: Canada

“We were commissioned with the task of creating a limited run of holiday gift boxes for Spice Works, a local company we’ve previously worked with. In order to give these already limited-edition packages a little something extra, we developed a production method which allows us to create one-off package designs while retaining the cost and time-effectiveness of medium-run production processes. Customers are encouraged to pick their favourite pattern in order to further enhance the spirit of gift-giving by including them in the final design decisions. We feel that this is a innovative idea in packaging design because even “exclusive” or “limited editions” are never truly unique. Multiple boxes can be purchased for gift-giving without the common “me-too” feeling recipients often get. The various patterns were created with a grid system in order to make the overall product line cohesive. In order to reinforce the idea that the box is not just a package, but a keepsake, the Spice Works logo is subtly located on the reverse of the lid.

Each box is hand-crafted in Baltic birch and contains mini-mold WECK jars filled with Spice Work’s Artichoke Dip Mix and Mango Curry Dip Mix.”


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