Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Columbus College

Student Work - Columbus College

Designed by Jessica Alley & Laura Courtright | Country: United States

“The packaging is part of a larger campaign which is based on the word I’mpossilble (read as I’m possible or Impossible) The call to action is to build awareness and fundraising for building sustainable education in Nicaragua, Laos, and Guatemala. The countries are all differentiated by color and have a di-cut of their country on the packaging.  When you purchase the pencils  the proceeds go to the country of you choice.”

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Columbus College


Student Work - Columbus College

Designed by Jessica Alley & Laura Courtright | Country: United States

“The packaging is part of a larger campaign which is based on the word I’mpossilble (read as I’m possible or Impossible) The call to action is to build awareness and fundraising for building sustainable education in Nicaragua, Laos, and Guatemala. The countries are all differentiated by color and have a di-cut of their country on the packaging.  When you purchase the pencils  the proceeds go to the country of you choice.”

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