Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Designed by Kamila Mitka | Country: Poland

“Kasha Kasha is a new Polish brand of carefully selected eco-friendly agricultural products. The brand is targeted at young consumers concerned about healthy eating. The main objective of the project is a display of honesty. The cardboard packaging communicates unambiguously its ecological sourcing, while the subtle colouringis the effect of the application of eco-friendly printing methods. The image on the front of the packaging underlines the tradition associated with the product. Raster used for the image of a mill is intended to reflect the textureof the grains inside the box.”

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Kamila Mitka


Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Designed by Kamila Mitka | Country: Poland

“Kasha Kasha is a new Polish brand of carefully selected eco-friendly agricultural products. The brand is targeted at young consumers concerned about healthy eating. The main objective of the project is a display of honesty. The cardboard packaging communicates unambiguously its ecological sourcing, while the subtle colouringis the effect of the application of eco-friendly printing methods. The image on the front of the packaging underlines the tradition associated with the product. Raster used for the image of a mill is intended to reflect the textureof the grains inside the box.”

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

Student Work - Kamila Mitka

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