Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

Student Work - Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

Designed by Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen | Country: Norway

“A package design assignment to make a package for the perfume Ègoiste by Chanel.

The package was to be informative, available and appealing to blind (with braille text), visually impaired and people with regular eye sight.

The package is made out of steal to underline the masculinity and sophistication. The design itself is meant to be clean, and the braille text, along with being inclusive to blind, works as a decorative element in the design.”

Student Work - Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

Student Work - Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

Student Work - Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Student Work – Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen


Student Work - Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

Designed by Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen | Country: Norway

“A package design assignment to make a package for the perfume Ègoiste by Chanel.

The package was to be informative, available and appealing to blind (with braille text), visually impaired and people with regular eye sight.

The package is made out of steal to underline the masculinity and sophistication. The design itself is meant to be clean, and the braille text, along with being inclusive to blind, works as a decorative element in the design.”

Student Work - Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

Student Work - Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

Student Work - Madeleine Skjelland Eriksen

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