Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Tony Ferguson


Designed by Maud | Country: Australia

“The chal­lenge was to repos­i­tion Tony Fer­guson as an edu­ca­tional life­style pro­gram that helps people re-engineer their approach to food and health – not just a quick-fix meal replace­ment diet. We needed to edu­cate con­sumers about health­ier liv­ing, encour­aging them to form a new rela­tion­ship with food and move from a weight-loss men­tal­ity to life­style change.

Our strategy was to empower people with the con­fid­ence and know­ledge to take con­trol of their rela­tion­ship with food.

We estab­lished a new brand iden­tity and a set of basic out­comes that the brand had to rep­res­ent.
– Mod­ern, yet able to with­stand the test of time.
– Phar­ma­ceut­ical whilst not feel­ing cold and imper­sonal.
– To sup­port the ‘life­style’ nature of the brand, the design had to feel like some­thing people would be proud to asso­ci­ate with.
– Re-establish Tony Fer­guson as an expert and trus­ted brand — a cham­pion of healthy eat­ing and education.

Launched in Janu­ary & Feb­ru­ary of this year, sales have already increased year on year and anec­dotal feed­back sug­gests that the new brand iden­tity is receiv­ing pos­it­ive acknow­ledge­ment across the board includ­ing the trade and other key stakeholders.”









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Designed by: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Country: United States

Tony Ferguson



Designed by Maud | Country: Australia

“The chal­lenge was to repos­i­tion Tony Fer­guson as an edu­ca­tional life­style pro­gram that helps people re-engineer their approach to food and health – not just a quick-fix meal replace­ment diet. We needed to edu­cate con­sumers about health­ier liv­ing, encour­aging them to form a new rela­tion­ship with food and move from a weight-loss men­tal­ity to life­style change.

Our strategy was to empower people with the con­fid­ence and know­ledge to take con­trol of their rela­tion­ship with food.

We estab­lished a new brand iden­tity and a set of basic out­comes that the brand had to rep­res­ent.
– Mod­ern, yet able to with­stand the test of time.
– Phar­ma­ceut­ical whilst not feel­ing cold and imper­sonal.
– To sup­port the ‘life­style’ nature of the brand, the design had to feel like some­thing people would be proud to asso­ci­ate with.
– Re-establish Tony Fer­guson as an expert and trus­ted brand — a cham­pion of healthy eat­ing and education.

Launched in Janu­ary & Feb­ru­ary of this year, sales have already increased year on year and anec­dotal feed­back sug­gests that the new brand iden­tity is receiv­ing pos­it­ive acknow­ledge­ment across the board includ­ing the trade and other key stakeholders.”









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