Latest in package design
Davis Design has created some nice designs for Pos Shredded Wheat. It’s refreshing to see a simple, clean exectution for a category that is typically way
Designer Michael Lau created these shoes and unique packaging for the 2008 Chinese Olympic BMX team. Lau, more known for his vinyl toys tapped into his
Arkitip is known for packaging their publications in interesting ways and their latest issue is no different. No. 0048 is packaged in a custom made box
Tesco Fresh Ground Coffee. I wish I could tell you more about this product, but R-Design’s site is light on rationale, but heavy on eye candy.
Designed by Little Fury | Country: United States Help Remedies uses witty writing and 100% recyclable moulded paper pulp to make their health products friendly and
“We encounter dirt every day, as well as run-of-the-mill designs for cleaning products. Cleaning liquids off the shelves come in packaging that are either too gaudy