Health & Beauty Packaging Design

Designed by Wink | Country: United States | Font used: Adobe Garamond “A packaging system for a Target owned-brand product line of dietary supplements. The tone

Designed by Dyhr.Hagen | Country: Denmark “This is a packaging series for Danish beauty product line Rudolph Care. Rudolph Care is certified organic sustainable luxury, the

Designed by Maesa | Country: France Primary Packaging: color spray, hot stamping. Secondary Packaging: embossing, hot stamping, golden nail, hanging tassel.

Designed by JuliAnn Miller | Country: United States | Fonts used: Myriad Pro “We were to design work for a social or political cause; I chose

Designed by Anwar Pack. | Country: United States | Font: Goudy Heavyface “An emotional branding project for packaging design. I had to develop primary, and secondary

Designed by PhillipeBecker | Country: United States | Fonts used: Gotham, Helvetica “Hands-on alliance with IDEO for a brand that keeps germs off hands.”

Designed by Wink | Country: United States “Our challenge was to create a name, brand identity, packaging system, and collateral for a home and personal care

Designed by PhillipeBecker | Country: United States “A new destination brand with signature ingredients from around the globe.”

Designed by Rômulo Castilho | Country: Brazil | Font used: Chalet Brazilian designer Rômulo Castilho sent us this beautiful work he did for Flowessence, a perfume

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