Latest in package design

Designed by Timur Salikhov | Country: Russia “There are many beer cans with different design. And there is only one that shows what really is inside.

Designed by Blue Marlin | Country: United Kingdom “‘Wonderfully unusual’ non-alcoholic adult beverage ZEO has been given a spectacular brand expression by integrated brand design agency

Designed by Atomicdust | Country: United States “Our goal with the packaging design for Goshen Coffee was twofold – we wanted to create a distinct look

Designed by Collin Cummings | Country: United States “I fell in love with the idea of repackaging honey because of the timelessness of honey production. The

Designed by lg2boutique | Country: Canada “Much to the delight of their growing fan base, Boris has introduced a new line of products to the market.

Designed by DZINE MAFIA | Country: United Kingdom “This is a concept redesign of the soap packaging for The Bakewell Soap Company who produce, amongst other

Designed by Dustin Edward Arnold | Country: United States “Batzner is an independent laboratory+perfuming house in Amsterdam providing the highest level of formulations for the luxury

Designed by Nimrat Brar | Country: India “Coffee cups designed for a pop-up event promoting conversation and idea sharing over coffee. Mixed in with the hand-drawn

Designed by Stranger & Stranger | Country: United Kingdom “Mr Jack Daniel opened the White Rabbit saloon in Lynchburg town square 120 years ago so his

Designed by Cadena + Asociados Branding | Country: Mexico “Casa del Agua is an artesian bottled water boutique based in Mexico City. Water is the center

Designed by Williams-Sonoma Brand Packaging Dept. | Country: United States “As part of the new ‘pantry essentials’ line of products within the Williams-Sonoma stores, this package

Designed by Permafrost | Country: Norway “Our latest design for AQ Norwegian Aquavit is called SQ Sommeraquavit. The product itself is a smooth and mellow aquavit

Designed by House Industries | Country: United States “House Industries introduces the House Archive Box, a new twist on an old idea that brings the foldable

Designed by The Grain | Country: Australia “Sydney’s iconic restaurant, Wildfire asked us to create the labels for their new range of wines sold through the

Designed by PostlerFerguson | Country: United Kingdom “Supermarkets are expanding their fresh fish offerings to include more sustainable species like gurnard, mackerel and skate. These fish

Designed by SAA Design | Country: United Kingdom “SAA were tasked with creating a distinctive packaging solution for the Shepherd & Neame ale classic collection. A

Designed by BOB Helsinki | Country: Finland “Color Mask is a tinting and repairing conditioner for coloured hair. When choosing this kind of product, the colour

Designed by Grabowski Böll | Country: Germany

Designed by Insight Design Studio | Country: Serbia “King Louis Bier is a young German (Bavarian) beer for young people. Bavaria is one of Germany’s very

Designed by Caleb Heisey | Country: United States “Folksaga is a Swedish distillery of akvavit, a traditional scandinavian liquor flavored with ingredients such as caraway, anise,