
Designed by The Bakery | Country: Russia “The Bedroom Community commissioned us to design DVD packaging for the film about the label, directed by Pierre-Alain Giraud.

Designed by Matt Smiroldo | Country: United States “From pesky pup to mopey mutt, Jekyll & Hound is the perfect fix of natural remedies that balance

Designed by Oussama Mezher | Country: Canada “Although CD and DVD formats will certainly be replaced in the near future, I worked on a classification system

Designed by Nitin Budhiraja | Country: United States “Special edition DVD set, inspired by the movie Cinema Paradiso—a nostalgic film that evokes a feeling of love

Designed by Experimental Jetset | Country: The Netherlands “In 2007, we were involved in a documentary about the typeface Helvetica, a movie directed by Gary Hustwit.

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