Latest in package design

Designed by Michelberger Hotel | Country: Germany “The Michelberger Hotel is a hotel in Berlin which has a design studio inside as part of its business.

Designed by Pentagram | Country: United Kingdom “For the last 10 years Pentagram’s Angus Hyland and Cass Art have worked together to shake up the traditional

Designed by DeRouen & Co. | Country: United States “Intuition Ale Works of Jacksonville was just ending a very successful first year (during which its customers

Designed by (calcco) | Country: Spain “The Lamias are mythological characters often described with bird feet or fishtail. Typically female, and of extraordinary beauty, the Lamia

Designed by Stranger & Stranger | Country: United Kingdom “Hopper Whitman is a beer swilling cricket whose dubious dress sense changes with the seasonal ales. Winter

Designed by Designers United | Country: Greece “Brand identity and packaging design for a new premium quality series of Greek extra virgin olive oil. 5 stands

Designed by BRND WGN | Country: Malta “What better way to celebrate a year ended than to put the highlights of 2011 in ink on paper

Designed by Nemanja Čubrović | Country: Serbia “Package for energy drink ENNA. Made to appeal mostly to the population of skaters and gamers. The work included

Designed by Helms Workshop | Country: United States “Workshop teamed up with the group during its genesis, working closely with the founders on naming, brand development

Designed by YOYO | Country: Spain “Imagine what it would be like to take a bath with a shark, to have a cactus that doesn’t sting

Designed by Stranger & Stranger | Country: United Kingdom “SpiceBox. This sells as much for the brand name as for anything else, and it really just

Designed by Alex Beltechi | Country: Romania “Ripped from the pages of science fiction, the gears are turning, the steam is pumping, and the playing cards

Designed by Sociedad Anonima | Country: Mexico “They say that when you see a scorpion, another is surely nearby, for they always travel in pairs. Such

Designed by Stranger & Stranger | Country: United Kingdom “Jack in a lovely warm Currier and Ives winter coat.”

Designed by Pietari Posti | Country: Spain “Paulig Coffee have a penchant for collaborating with illustrators to create beautiful, limited edition coffee tins. Back in 2010

Designed by Manic Design | Country: Singapore “For Christmas this year, we decided to do something a little different. We were bored with the typical Christmas

Designed by Christopher Perry | Country: Sweden “Brief: Uncle Willy’s Wonky Crank Arms is a brand and packaging concept for a premium English bicycle crank arm

Designed by StudioIN | Country: Russia “Upholding tradition, StudioIN has designed a corporate gift for New Year’s Eve. While designing the bottle, we chose a topic

Designed by Stranger & Stranger | Country: United Kingdom “We are gathered here today to celebrate a massive success. SOLD. OUT.”