Designed by: Chad Michael Studio | Country: US
The packaging design by Chad Michael Studio for the experimental wine range from Wines of Gatlinburg oozes class and sophistication. The range offers twelve different flavors to its customers.
Talking about the designs, Michael says:
“Due to the large and ever-growing range of this Experimental Series we kept complex changes from label to label minimal. The key differentiators are the large woodcut illustration that highlights the liquid profile within and the color palette.”

The packaging
The packaging design is an amalgamation of “beautiful woodcut style images,” shade, and inspiring typography. The designs encourage the customers to pick the bottle from the shelf.
Chad Michael’s work is defined by the graceful balance of various design elements coming together in harmony.
“I’ve never designed a label where I felt like I solved it on the first pass. Every design goes through multiple internal evolutions in order to find the right balance between all elements”, Michael says. “I’ve always loved packing in as much conceptual detail work as possible if the brand calls for it. Details that only ever further the brand’s story. There is a fine line that exists in regards to a breathable balance that every design needs. The key is to not overwork or overpack especially when it serves no conceptual purpose.”