Latest in package design

Designed by Pavel Kulinsky | Country: Russia “Student concept for coffee cream packaging. The name “Krinka” is Ukrainian for a jug of milk or cream. I

Designed by Soulsight | Country: United States “MillerCoors, the company that popularized the light and super- light beer categories, is bringing a new look, name and

Designed by Cubic | Country: United Kingdom “The new Borderfields dressings range is about to hit the shelves in supermarkets throughout the UK. Made with deliciously

Designed by Pavla Chuykina & Ann Moiseenko | Country: Russia

Designed by Founded | Country: United Kingdom “This work is something which we recently produced for Icon Magazine’s Rethink project. We were tasked with rethinking something

Designed by (calcco) | Country: Spain “The tentenublo is a peal of bells used in ancient Spanish times which goal was to ward off hailstorms. Based

Designed by Jog Limited | Country: United Kingdom “Provenance makes high-quality homeware products from recycled, reclaimed and renewable materials. As the packaging has to sell the

Designed by jkr | Country: United Kingdom “This month sees the launch of Ocado’s new packaging design, creating a fresh identity for the brand. The new

Designed by Jesse Lindhorst | Country: United States “Calle, in Spanish, means “Street.” This brand of slip-on street soccer shoes is the first of its kind.

Designed by Say What Studio | Country: France “Shaking Has No Effect is a box made for the storage of 300 instant phorographs shot in 2011,

Designed by Samantha Hartill | Country: United Kingdom “Coffee beans go through a rigorous process to be ‘stripped down to their natural form.’ Therefore, by the

Designed by Atmosphere Design | Country: Canada “We branded a series of 650ml bottles for Russell Brewing for their Brewmaster Series. All these beers are strong

Designed by Sergio Ortiz Ruiz | Country: Spain 1

Designed by Grain Creative | Country: Australia “Kimberly Clark Professional is the world leader in commercial grade surface preparation products. Kimtech and Wypall products service healthcare,

Designed by Dunlop | Country: United States “Tortex guitar picks are an iconic part of the fabric of rock n’ roll, like a pair of filthy

Designed by Ali LaBelle | Country: United States “The assignment was to design a set of wines influenced by our families in some way. Each member

Designed by Zeus Jones | Country: United States “Thymes is a company rooted in the Midwest – it’s a part of their heritage. That’s why we

Designed by Thingsidid & Nekogato | Country: Hong Kong “Job Hunting Club is a pleasant card game designed for dysgraphia students to learn about their future

Designed by Kristoffer Hvitfeldt | Country: Denmark “De Fietsfabriek means The Bike factory in english. It‘s a Dutch bicycle company that manufacturers and sell hand built

Designed by Poly | Country: Canada “Poly was enlisted to evolve the Stark Skincare brand into labels for their inaugural skincare line. Stark wanted packaging that