Latest in package design

Designed by mousegraphics | Country: Greece “Brief: we market our premium product abroad and mainly in the Far East, where it is considered a cosmetic, aside

Designed by Senyor Estudi | Country: Spain “Mig Mig –Fifty-Fifty in Catalan– is a wine of contrasts. Tradition and modernity. Experience and knowledge. Two opposite values,

Designed by Turnstyle | Country: United States “SEVEN Salon isn’t interested in feeling like a spa, or in making you look like your favorite celebrity. Instead,

Designed by Landor San Francisco | Country: United States “In 2010, Miller High Life reclaimed its status as the iconic American beer. The strategy was simple,

Designed by mousegraphics | Country: Greece “Brief: our product is strange and unique. We want to make this clear. Audience: bold and brave consumers, with a

Designed by Pereira & O’Dell | Country: United States “Introducing Rolling Words, Snoop Dogg’s smokable songbook. A promotion for Snoop Dogg’s Kingsize Slim Rolling Papers created

Designed by Marnich Associates | Country: Spain “Packaging design for organic produce maker MamaBrown. The label is laser-engraved over thin wood.”

Designed by Bridgemark | Country: Canada “The Walker’s family has been creating confectionery in their Candy Kitchen in small batches, hand-stirred in copper kettles in the

Designed by Tess Yoonji Lee | Country: South Korea “De cecco is pasta company founded in 1886 in Italy.” “Bonnie’s Jam is hand-made jams made from

Designed by Swear Words | Country: Australia “Brief: Create a logotype and symbol, style guide (font choices, colour palette), wine labels and stationery set. The Brash

Designed by Senyor Estudi | Country: Spain “During the Mancommunity period in the early 20th century, the Empordà was a point of reference in Catalan poultry

Designed by Just Design | Country: South Africa “Born as a response to the one-dimensional beer culture in South Africa, The Devil’s Peak Brewing Company (DPBC)

Designed by jkr | Country: United Kingdom “This month sees the launch of newly designed packaging for Lyons cakes. Briefed to explore and celebrate the brand’s

Designed by Drinksology | Country: Ireland “McGrath’s is Craft Brewed in Ireland by Clanconnel Brewing Co. Drinksology was commissioned to reinvent their brand and packaging. Named

Designed by Hello | Country: United Kingdom “Mook is a powdered milk product used by caterers. We were briefed to produce a quirky, humorous brand to

Designed by Estudio David Cercós | Country: Spain “The main basis for the Blanc 2011 restyling was simplicity, even bareness; from capsule removal, to the idea

Designed by mousegraphics | Country: Greece “Brief: we are targeting a selective and well informed clientele, abroad. We want to stress the special qualities of our

Designed by Reynolds and Reyner | Country: Ukraine “Objective: In 2011 Reynolds and Reyner finished two huge projects redesigning international brands of paints. After that they

Designed by Eszter Laki | Country: Hungary Packaging design for a self-made strawberry jam. “When the season finally arrived, we went to the strawberry fields close

Designed by Senyor Estudi | Country: Spain “ES Poma (“apple is” in catalan) is a mistela elaborated with Grenache from the Emporda and apple juice from